The Day

The day I saw you in white was the day I cried.
You strode to me radiant in beauty out and inside.
We kissed, we laughed, we cried, we loved.
I held you, and you held me, hands white gloved. 
In your eyes I fell, so deep so vast so wide.
The day I saw you in white was the day I cried.

The day that she came was the day I cried.
I knew then why I found you, so she we could make.
A mess and a beauty all in one she caused my soul to ache.
I held her and never wanting to let go but fearing I might.
Full of pride, and hope, and wonder and fear, for her and my bride.
The day she came was the day I cried.

The day the business died was the day I cried.
You didn't see, I was alone and the door closed in a huff.
Our entire lives poured into it, gone in a puff.
I sat at my desk and cried. Knowing I had to be strong.
When I was done I told you the truth I sang you no song.
"This isn't fair!" you said, I know and that is why.
The day the business died was the day I cried.

The day we left our home we loved was the day I cried.
You still didn't see the tears, asleep right next to me.
I laid in our bed in a house we not our own, 
crying softly, oh so softly, feeling so alone. 
I was no longer a man, I was unable to provide.
The day we left our house we loved was the day I cried.

The day before Christmas was the day that I cried.
In a house not our own you and I sat alone.
We hugged and we shared while the little ones slept.
So hard, not fair, will they even care at how inept?
We sobbed and we cried and you saw me this time. 
I wasn't so strong, but sometimes thats fine.
The day before Christmas was the day that I cried.

The days that I cried are so many so vast. 
The pain is so strong and it pulls from the past. 
No matter the number of days crying I go through 
The ones remembered most I shared them with you.

Aaron Patterson

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